Finance Minister Extends Invitation to Foreign Investors for Nepal's Investment Summit

Published 2024 Jan 11 Thursday

Kathmandu: Dr. Prakash Sharan Mahat, the Finance Minister, has called upon investors from India and other nations to actively participate in the upcoming Investment Summit scheduled for April 28 and 29 in Kathmandu. During his address at the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit-2024 held in Gujarat, India, he specifically urged investors to consider opportunities in Nepal's energy, tourism, and agriculture sectors.

The Finance Minister's Private Secretariat reported that Minister Mahat, addressing heads of nations, ministers, and investors, extended an invitation to the investment summit, emphasizing the potential for innovative business ideas to contribute to Nepal's development.

In his remarks, Minister Mahat highlighted the vast investment opportunities in Nepal's energy, tourism, agriculture, and information technology sectors. He further outlined additional areas for investment, including education, production, construction, transport, mines, banking, and financial services.

Acknowledging the visionary concept of the Vibrant Gujarat Development Model introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2003, Minister Mahat noted its widespread influence and adoption, even becoming a source of inspiration for countries like Nepal. He underscored Nepal's commitment to a liberal, market-oriented economic policy since the early 1990s and its active participation in various international organizations and multilateral agencies.

Minister Mahat also shared a recent agreement between Nepal and India for the export of 10,000 MW electricity from Nepal to India over the next decade. He emphasized the significant opportunity this presents for Nepal's hydropower sector.

Concluding his address, Minister Mahat reiterated Nepal's adherence to international trade and investment policies and regulations, highlighting the country's commitment to aligning with global standards.
